Classroom News – Week ending 1/29/21

Hello families!

Here are the updates for this week:

Virtual School Peaks and Valleys

Students and families have experienced virtual school for many months now.  There are many positives that the students have shared with each other…being close to their families and pets, taking more breaks, snacking during learning, learning from cozy spots, having the time to create stories, videos, crafts and projects, and having a strong classroom community since we are all on screen all day together!  However, it definitely has its challenges.  Students often experience more stress during online school for various reasons.  I do not want students to feel undue stress because of school.  While it’s important to me that they are learning each day, there are times when school can feel overwhelming for them.  Student well being comes first.  As parents, feel free to make choices about the work load that you would like your children to carry, so that they are not too stressed.  If you have questions about assignment completion or the work in general, please email me anytime. 

Science Olympiad

In Mrs. Giles newsletter this week, she shared some information about Science Olympiad.  Science Olympiad is a wonderful opportunity for your children to learn about science topics and pique their curiosity.  Below are some links with more information.

Author Visit

On Friday during lunch time, students had the opportunity to participate in a webinar with the author, Josh Funk.  He has written several books such as It’s Not Hansel and Gretel and It’s Not Jack and the Beanstalk.  He answered student questions about being a writer.  He had a great takeaway for the students, and that is this:  Every author starts with a good story, and to find a good story, you have to read a LOT and read EVERYTHING…fiction, nonfiction, graphic novels, comics, etc.  Then you’ll find your stories!

Teacher’s College Videos

Here are two new videos from The Teacher’s College Reading and Writing Project at Columbia University.

How to Have Conversations with Kids About Books

Letter Writing at Home with Everyday Materials

Asynchronous Wednesday Specials Learning Opportunities

Students have asychronous learning time from 1:30-3:00 each day and all day on Wednesdays.  In addition to their Schoology assignments, the specials teachers each have a Schoology course that is accessible to your children.  They provide additional activities for students.  Feel free to encourage your child to look at the Music, PLTW, PE, Library, and Art Schoology links for additional enrichment. 

Family Tech Support
Students & Families Virtual Help Desk
Monday – Friday: 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Ayuda en Español: 734-997-1246
Families can always submit a help request through


This week we learned about using our social and emotional skills to work together and solve problems.  Students listened to different scenarios, and then offered some solutions to the problems.  We have such a kind and caring class, and it’s great to hear the ways that students would solve some of these challenging problems.


We had a week of review for Unit 5 this week.  We reviewed fractions and multiplication strategies, and then we took our Unit 5 math assessment.  Students are making great progress in using strategies to solve multiplication facts!  Try asking your child some x2, x5, and x10 multiplication problems.  Then, give them harder facts, and see if they can use a helper fact to get the answer!

We are continuing with our Nonfiction/Informational reading unit.   This week, students learned about cause and effect nonfiction text structures, they practiced using graphic organizers to organize their thinking, they learned the difference between narrative informational, hybrid informational and informational text. Readers also learned to use what they know about characters to study real people in biographies.  Please encourage your child to read 20+ minutes per day and work towards their CORE5 goal.

Social Studies

This week, we continued with our History unit.  Students learned about the effect of the War of 1812 on Michigan, and how Michigan changed after the War of 1812.  Students also learned how Michigan achieved statehood.  Finally, students learned how writers of historical fiction journals prepare to write and how they use narration.  We will be working on writing historical fiction diary entries next week.  

Word Study

For Word Study this week, students learned about final e: –CE, –VE, –ZE  Examples are chance, move and freeze.  We learned that sometimes the E at the end of the word is not part of the vowel pattern.  We learned it makes the c soft in words such as dance.  E always follows words ending in V and it usually follows Z.  Ask your children to tell you some words that follow each of these patterns. 

2/8 – National African American Parent Involvement Day (NAAPID)

2/10 – Virtual Science Game Night, 4:00 pm

2/12 and 2/15 –  NO SCHOOL – Mid-Winter Break

Classroom News – Week ending 1/22/21

Hello families!

Here are the updates for this week:

Family Tech Support

There are times when the student Chromebooks have glitches or they break down.  We try to troubleshoot issues with sound or other technical difficulties during class.  However, if you feel your child’s Chromebook is having consistent problems, feel free to contact the Family Tech Support hotline for help.  Your child may need a replacement Chromebook if tech support cannot resolve the issues.   

Students & Families Virtual Help Desk
Monday – Friday: 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Ayuda en Español: 734-997-1246
Families can always submit a help request through

Did you know that CORE5 is a software program that builds foundational reading skills for students?  It focuses on the 6 aspects of reading instruction:  phonological awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension and structural awareness.  Lessons are personalized for each student.  Students took a pre-test when they began the program, and the program sets time and unit goals for each student.   Because of our shortened day, we do not have time to work on every day.  Please encourage your child to show you their weekly minutes and units goal, and to work on the program each week if time allows.  It will help them grow into even stronger readers!

Asynchronous Wednesday Specials Learning Opportunities

Students have asychronous learning time from 1:30-3:00 each day and all day on Wednesdays.  In addition to their Schoology assignments, the specials teachers each have a Schoology course that is accessible to your children.  They provide additional activities for students.  Feel free to encourage your child to look at the Music, PLTW, PE, Library, and Art Schoology links for additional enrichment. 

Teacher’s College Videos

Here are two new videos from The Teacher’s College Reading and Writing Project at Columbia University.

Supporting Your Children with Writing

Graphic Novel Recommendations 3-5


This week we learned how to manage the negative thoughts that come into our minds.  We learned that we can talk back to our negative thoughts and phrase them in a more positive way.  We also learned that sometimes we just need to “watch” our negative thoughts, and they will eventually pass.  


We continued with Unit 5 this week.  We learned about missing factors, near squares, and the break apart strategy.  Students are doing a learning so many different strategiesTo practice their multiplication facts, students can work on the web site and they can practice their math fact fluency.  Or they can practice with flash cards or math games.

We are continuing with our Nonfiction/Informational reading unit.   This week, students learned about descriptive text structures, sequential text structures, and comparison text structures, and they used them to organize their thinking.  Students also learned more about biographies.  Ask your child about the different strategies he or she uses to comprehend nonfiction text.  Please encourage your child to read 20+ minutes per day and work towards their CORE5 goal.

Social Studies

This week, we continued with our History unit.  Students learned about the early interactions between Native Americans and early Europeans, early Europeans and their needs, the French and Indian War, and Pontiac’s Rebellion.

Word Study

For Word Study this week, students learned about soft and hard c and g. They learned that the sound of g and c are influenced by the vowel that follows. Hard g and c (/k/) come before a, o, and u. Examples are going and candy.  Soft g (/j/) and c (/s/) come before e, i and y.  Examples are gym and cityAsk your children to tell you some words that follow each of these patterns.  

2/12 and 2/15 –  NO SCHOOL – Mid-Winter Break

Classroom News – Week ending 1/15/21

Hello families!

Here are the updates for this week:

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

We talked about the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr this week.  We read the book, Martin’s Big Words, and we listened to a Kid President video about Martin Luther King.  Mrs. Giles shared a couple videos about Martin Luther King, and we heard Stevie Wonder sing Dr. King a birthday song.  We also participated in an activity called, “Moving On,” where students traced both their feet.  On one foot, students wrote what privileges they enjoy because of Martin Luther King’s legacy, and on the other foot, they wrote what they will do to keep his work moving forward. 

Below are two links with various MLK programming activities on Monday.

MLK Children and Youth Program

2021 Virtual MLK Day Event

PE Equipment

For PE next Friday, January 22, the students will be learning about hockey, and they will need some equipment from home.  

For the stick: hockey stick, pool noodle, golf club, broom, or tennis racquet

For the puck: tennis ball, golf ball, sock rolled up, or balloon

For a cone: a plastic cup

Teacher’s College Videos

The Teacher’s College Reading and Writing Project at Columbia University has created some videos for families that provide wonderful information on supporting your children in literacy and virtual learning.  I will post 1-2 videos over the next few weeks in my newsletter.  I think you will find them informative!

How to Get Your Child Interested in Reading

Ways to Help Your Child Develop a Strong Vocabulary


This week we learned how to respectfully disagree with others, and we practiced what that would look like.  We also learned how to use I-Messages when we are frustrated.  An I-Message allows someone to express concern with another person, without making them feel defensive.  Ask your child how to use an I-Message.


We continued with Unit 5 this week and focused on multiplication.  Students learned about recognizing multiplication helper facts, doubles facts, and patterns in products.  To practice their multiplication facts, students can work on the web site and they can practice their math fact fluency.


We are continuing with our Nonfiction/Informational reading unit.   This week, students learned how to locate main idea sentences within paragraphs.  They learned how to support the main idea with key details from the text.  They learned strategies to read and understand nonfiction text, and  they learned how to understand the meaning of unfamiliar vocabulary words.  Please encourage your child to read 20+ minutes per day and work towards their CORE5 goal.

Social Studies

This week, we continued with our History unit.  Students learned about how the Native Americans, including the Three Fires Tribe, used the environment to meet their basic needs.  We learned about European arrival, and students listened to the book, Encounter by Jane Yolen, which helped them to understand the Native American’s early encounters with Europeans.

Word Study

For Word Study this week, students learned about triple blends  such as scr, str and spr, as in screen, strong and spring.   Sometimes 3 letter blends make 3 individual sounds as in screen, and sometimes 3 letter blends only make 2 sounds, such as in shrimp.  Ask your children about the different words that have these blends and encourage them to find those words in books or around the house.  

To Jaime Moore, Drew’s mom, for helping us with our math lesson on Friday.

1/18/21 – MLK Day – NO SCHOOL

Classroom News – Week ending 1/8/21

Hello families!

Here are the updates for this week:

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!  I hope you and your families had a peaceful and enjoyable break.   I was so happy to see the kids again and hear all about their break.  We had a wonderful first week back.  While everyone was a bit tired, we settled into the week well, and it was great to learn from each other again.

Coping with Covid
Coping with Covid: A social-emotional group for 3-5 graders
Many children are struggling with feelings of sadness, loneliness, anxiety, and frustration in this difficult time. This small group program will teach 3rd-5th grade students at Pattengill different strategies and skills to identify and talk about difficult feelings, regulate their feelings with self-care strategies and develop more confidence in their ability to cope with challenges. This 7 session program will build on the general education curriculum and is for students who need a little extra practice and support to build these skills. The group will be run by Charlene Mangi, Pattengill’s School Psychologist will meet virtually on Thursdays at 2pm, starting on January 21Learn more and register your child here. Questions? Contact Charlene at



This week we revisited our class norms and procedures so that we would have a strong start to 2021.   


We started Unit 5 this week.  Students learned about how to create and name fractions,  equivalent fractions, and had a fraction review and challenge.




Students started a new non fiction reading unit.  This week, students learned how to preview a non-fiction text, paying attention to text features, and think about their prior knowledge.  Readers also learned how to paraphrase text in their own words.  Ask students to show you how they preview non-fiction texts.  Please encourage your child to read 20+ minutes per day and work towards their CORE5 goal.

Social Studies

We started our next social studies unit which is History.  This week, students learned the definition of history, how historians gather information about the past, the importance of timelines, how and when the Native Americans came to the land of which is now Michigan, and how Native Americans used their environment to meet their needs.

Word Study

For Word Study this week, students learned about triple blends  such as scr, str and spr, as in screen, strong and spring.   Ask your children about the different words that have these blends and encourage them to find those words in books or around the house.  

Specials Classes

Each specials class has a Schoology course, where students can continue their learning in PE, music, art, library and PLTW.  In music, Mrs. Heid posts an assignment each week that students should complete.  Mr. Goffee, our PE teacher, posts activities that students can do on the weekends or during independent learning time.  Have your child show you the different specials courses.

To all the students for working hard on our first week back!

1/18/21 – MLK Day – NO SCHOOL