Classroom News – Week ending 1/22/21

Hello families!

Here are the updates for this week:

Family Tech Support

There are times when the student Chromebooks have glitches or they break down.  We try to troubleshoot issues with sound or other technical difficulties during class.  However, if you feel your child’s Chromebook is having consistent problems, feel free to contact the Family Tech Support hotline for help.  Your child may need a replacement Chromebook if tech support cannot resolve the issues.   

Students & Families Virtual Help Desk
Monday – Friday: 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Ayuda en Español: 734-997-1246
Families can always submit a help request through

Did you know that CORE5 is a software program that builds foundational reading skills for students?  It focuses on the 6 aspects of reading instruction:  phonological awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension and structural awareness.  Lessons are personalized for each student.  Students took a pre-test when they began the program, and the program sets time and unit goals for each student.   Because of our shortened day, we do not have time to work on every day.  Please encourage your child to show you their weekly minutes and units goal, and to work on the program each week if time allows.  It will help them grow into even stronger readers!

Asynchronous Wednesday Specials Learning Opportunities

Students have asychronous learning time from 1:30-3:00 each day and all day on Wednesdays.  In addition to their Schoology assignments, the specials teachers each have a Schoology course that is accessible to your children.  They provide additional activities for students.  Feel free to encourage your child to look at the Music, PLTW, PE, Library, and Art Schoology links for additional enrichment. 

Teacher’s College Videos

Here are two new videos from The Teacher’s College Reading and Writing Project at Columbia University.

Supporting Your Children with Writing

Graphic Novel Recommendations 3-5


This week we learned how to manage the negative thoughts that come into our minds.  We learned that we can talk back to our negative thoughts and phrase them in a more positive way.  We also learned that sometimes we just need to “watch” our negative thoughts, and they will eventually pass.  


We continued with Unit 5 this week.  We learned about missing factors, near squares, and the break apart strategy.  Students are doing a learning so many different strategiesTo practice their multiplication facts, students can work on the web site and they can practice their math fact fluency.  Or they can practice with flash cards or math games.

We are continuing with our Nonfiction/Informational reading unit.   This week, students learned about descriptive text structures, sequential text structures, and comparison text structures, and they used them to organize their thinking.  Students also learned more about biographies.  Ask your child about the different strategies he or she uses to comprehend nonfiction text.  Please encourage your child to read 20+ minutes per day and work towards their CORE5 goal.

Social Studies

This week, we continued with our History unit.  Students learned about the early interactions between Native Americans and early Europeans, early Europeans and their needs, the French and Indian War, and Pontiac’s Rebellion.

Word Study

For Word Study this week, students learned about soft and hard c and g. They learned that the sound of g and c are influenced by the vowel that follows. Hard g and c (/k/) come before a, o, and u. Examples are going and candy.  Soft g (/j/) and c (/s/) come before e, i and y.  Examples are gym and cityAsk your children to tell you some words that follow each of these patterns.  

2/12 and 2/15 –  NO SCHOOL – Mid-Winter Break

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